HReCRUITING Imagebroschüre
Neue Talente in 5 Schritten

Easy, Efficient, Effective recruitment and personnel management – all online.

Overview of HReCRUITING Software

Overview of HReCRUITING Software

HReCRUITING software seamlessly automates the entire recruiting process, from preparing the job description, to designing the advertising, short listing candidates, arranging interviews and finally making the appointment. Candidates can upload and update information online and viewing access to applications for line managers can be customised to follow company policy.

HReCRUITING also offers automation of managing employee files and evaluations, skills management, time management (holidays/sick leave) and project-budget management can all be done within a single, integrated system.

Our solutions are easy, efficient, and effective. HReCRUITING saves you time and money while helping attract the best candidates.


HReCRUITING software is an online, technologically sophisticated solutions that are automated, cost effective and easy to use. Our solutions support an end to end process: from preparing the job advertisement to placing the advertisement, receiving applications, communicating with the job seeker, short listing, arranging the interviews and, eventually, key personnel management functions.

The personnel administrator facilitates:

  • Requests of job descriptions from the relevant departments,
  • Definition and creation of new job descriptions based on templates (including corporate identity),
  • Signing off of the advertisement processes,
  • Searching the internal pool of candidates for matches,
  • Publication of job advertisements in various media (websites, Intranet, print, personnel placement agencies, social media etc.),
  • PDF printable functionality,
  • Standardising application forms,
  • Receive applications including PDF copies of certificates and hard documents,
  • Filter duplicates,
  • Evaluate and classify applications,
  • Short-list according minimum criteria ,
  • Read-in applications from other channels,
  • Track applications in reference to multiple job advertisements,
  • Live communication with candidates, including application acknowledgements, invitations to interviews and subsequent responses,
  • Communication with and forwarding of candidate profiles to the interview panel,
  • Communication settings, either semi or fully automated,
  • Follow-up communication (candidate relationship management),

The personnel manager facilitates:

  • Definition or creation of new job descriptions based on templates (including corporate identity),
  • Send job descriptions from the relevant department,
  • Approve recruiting campaigns,
  • View candidate profiles,
  • Evaluate short-listed candidate profiles and add comments,
  • Once candidate appointed, normal functions.

The candidate:

  • Responds to advertisements online and creates a candidate profile,
  • Uploads all the necessary certification and legal documentation,
  • Sets search agents that request e-mail notifications if jobs meet candidate criteria,
  • Undertakes and stores queries,
  • Updates and maintains personal information,
  • Can query the application´s status,
  • Can delete his or her own profile.


  • Administer and create access rights for departmental heads, interview panels and others,
  • Define processes and work-flows with relevant roles and functions,
  • Create and administer communication templates,
  • Activate media insertions in the approved channels,
  • Prepare analyses,
  • Eliminate unqualified candidate profiles,


Various templates provided by HReCRUITING ease the designing of the job description.


Our HReCRUITING software implements distribution techniques similar to those used in product sales and marketing campaigns.


The HReCRUITMENT system allows a high number of applications to be managed efficiently and effectively, ensuring vacant positions are filled quickly.


Large local and multinational companies can have corporate structures connecting many different local and international brands often across several languages.


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